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托福口语第二题的考题内容总是在不断变化中的,但掌握一定的托福考试出题规律,今天小编给大家带来了 托福口语第二题两类必备话题,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。



1、 高中毕业后是直接上大学还是稍等一年学点别的什么东西?

2、 假期内学生是应该学习还是应该休息?

3、 喜欢花时间和几个亲密朋友一起还是和很多朋友一起?

4、 喜欢大班还是小班?

5、 喜欢一个人学习还是小组学习?

6、 和朋友认识,第一印象重要还是长久了解重要?

7、 数学科学重要还是艺术历史重要?


1、 学生应该穿校服

2、 大学生应该做兼职工作。

3、 学生不可以带手机进课堂。

4、 有一个放松的生活方式是最重要的。

5、 人们应该一直说实话。

6、 老人学习永远都不玩。


Event-Public Events/Celebrations 公共活动/庆典

1. Describe a celebration, public event or moment that is most impressive to you. Explain why it was impressive to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. ★ [2006.10.15/2006.12.16]

The most unforgettable activity in my life is the campaign to be the chairwoman of the students‟ government of my university. It is so memorable that I can always see the scenario in my mind all the time until now. Mostly because its my first campaign and there were 20 candidates. Also this was my debut to give speech in front of thousands of people. And what‟s more. This speech will decide if I can win. I was so nervous, my hand shook and I have to control it. More importantly, my best friends give me great help to convince student to vote for me. They probably as busy as me. I was so grateful to them. In addition, I have to take part in lots of activities to give students a nice impression…All in all, I won at last. And these memories will company me the rest time of life.

My university graduation is the most memorable event in my life because it was such a special day full of both sorrow and happiness. We gathered together with our beloved classmates and teachers. We cried and said goodbye to our friends with whom we studied and lived together for 4 years, because we all would go to different parts of the country and even of the world to work or pursue one‟s future study. We also gave our sincere well-wishing to our dear friends, because on this day we would end one part of our lives and embark on the beginning of our promising future.

2. Describe a ceremony or public event that you attended. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. ★ [2006.2.11]

3. Describe a memorial you attended. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. ★ [2006.6.16]

4.Describe a social or historical event in your country.Explain why it was memorable to you.Include reasons and examples to support your response. ★ [2006.12.3/2006.12.7]


Famous Persons 名人

1. ■91 If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why? Use specific reasons and

details to support your answer.


91. 可以问一个人你为什么在自己的事业、商业和家庭都很成功?(可以参照89题)

2. ■90 If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? Use specific reasons

and examples to support your choice.


90、希望碰到李宁,写起来容易些(如果体操这些词不会拼写,换成自己觉得熟悉的运动的运动员) (1)在体育上很成功。获得了很多奥运会金牌。 (2)在商业上很成功(3)在业余和家庭生活中也很成功

3. ■89 If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person from history, what person would you like to

meet? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


89、可以考虑见一个人,这个人可以虚构,比如说是中国的一个名人。从以下几个方面来说 (1)从自己的事业 (2)从对社会的贡献 (3)从对业余生活和家庭生活。

4. ■162 Some famous athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars every year. Do you think these people deserve such high salaries? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 参考分析:


 每个行业的薪酬不同是正常的现象



每个国家都征收所得税(income tax),要知道很多明星收入的60%是用来交税的。他们对社会的贡献也非常大。

162 他们值这么多钱

(1)他们在没有成名的时候,工作非常辛苦,这些钱是为他们以前的补偿 (2)他们为国家和民族争得了荣誉,所以他们应当获得这么多钱


5. What famous person would you like to visit for one hour? Explain why you would like to meet this person and what you would talk about. Include details and examples in your explanation.

I want to visit Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, for three main reasons. Firstly, he is a multi-billionaire that earns so much money; secondly, he is a computer genius. His company and himself influence not only the world but also our daily lives. Lastly, he is a major contributor to the world‟s charities. I want to know the secret of his success and share with the people of same interest.

The person I would like to talk about who worked hard to achieve something is the famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou. He puts a lot of effort into making his films artistic and realistic. Some times he took chances and made some adventurous films. For example, in 1987, he directed Red Sorghum and took a chance with the story, which was a bit controversial, and he also used an unknown actress at the time named Gong Li. He then went on to produce a lot of award winding films. Moreover, he loves natural things in life and he expects actors and actress to be that way as well.

6. ■158 When famous people such as actors, athletes and rock stars give their opinions, many people listen.

Do you think we should pay attention to these opinions? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


观点:大多数时候,没必要听这些人的话。因为他们往往不是专家。然而也不能走向绝对,这些人的意见在某些时候也是对的,或者值得关注的。比如在一些场合中:慈善演出(charities; charitable institution; charitable performance)。


(1)很多这样的人没有受过很好的教育,他们对很多东西不清楚 (2)很多歌星和影星是收了钱之后,才发表自己的意见的,所以不能听 (3)很多人的思想很偏激,有意误导民众,提高自己的名声。

7. ■79 Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country. Whom would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.


 纪念意义 

历史意义 




8. Describe the famous person you admire most. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response. ★[北美2007.3.24]

Looking into a lot of people I admired, I think I admire my mother most .She has numerous good characters. She is a very honest women, I never saw she lied to anyone, and she always taught me to be an honest girl. Second, she is very patient. She always used her patient heart and soft voice to help overcome


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