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mend有 修理,修补,改正,纠正,加强,使恢复健康的意思。那你们想知道mend的用法 吗?今天小编给大家带来了mend的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


vt. 修理,修补,改正,纠正,加强,使恢复健康

vi. 康复,痊愈,修理,矫正

n. 修补,补丁,痊愈

变形:过去式: mended; 现在分词:mending; 过去分词:mended;




mend既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,多表示“修理”“修补”,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常表示“好转,恢复”,还可用于生物体受伤部位自动接合或愈合。



We need an electrician to mend the iron.我们要请电工修理熨斗。

It won't take long to mend the car.修理这辆汽车用不了很长时间。

He sent for someone to mend the broken window.他叫人来修补破窗子。


It is never too late to mend.改过不嫌晚。

The patient is mending well.这个病人的病情正在好转。

At length the crisis of the old man's disorder was past, and he began to mend.老人的危险期终于度过了,他开始痊愈起来。


1.We let the mending accumulate until Wednesday.我们让需缝补的衣服一直积存到星期三

2.You can't tell where the mend is.你简直看不出补丁在哪儿

3.The torn page is mended with tape.撕破的一页用胶带补好了。

4.She mended a broken dish with glue.她用胶把破掉的碟子粘好了。

5.He is very experienced at mending cars.他修车很有经验。

6.Will you please mend the sleeve of my blouse?请你把我衬衣的袖子补一下好吗?

7.Ask your old man if he can mend it.问问你家老爷子能不能把它修好。

8.When she finished the mending, she paired up the socks.袜子补好以后, 她把它们一双双地放在一起。

9.He was anxious to mend the rift between the two men.他急于弥合这两个人之间的裂痕。

10.It's a pity we didn't mend our fences with the colonel.可惜我们还没有和上校先生调整好关系。

11.You didn't mend the boat properly—the water is still leaking in.你没有修好船, 水还是会漏进来。

12.How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes?补一双鞋要多少钱?

13.The fishermen are mending their nets.渔民们正在补渔网。

14.The bone mended in a month.骨伤一个月之内就痊愈了

15.He's mending nicely after his operation.手术后他正在顺利康复。

16.Her countenance looked careworn as she bent over her pile of mending.当她低头修补一堆东西时,脸上一副忧心忡忡的神色

17.Mending the lamp was child’s play for an experienced electrician like him.修灯对于他这样一名熟练的电工来说太容易了。

18.The workmen dug a hole, mended the pipe, and then filled the hole in again.工人们挖了个洞, 修补好管道, 然后又把洞填平。

19.The patient is mending well.这个病人的病情正在好转

20.Things will mend in time.事态总有一天会好转。

高中英语: mend/repair


repair 指将受损、故障、用旧之物修理好,如用于修补机械方面的东西多用repair。如:

Ask him to repair my watch/TV set. 请他给我修一下手表/电视机。

The garage charged forty dollars to repair the car. 修车行修理这辆车收了四十美元。

repair 还可作“弥补、补偿”讲。如:

How can I repair the damage I have caused? 我怎样才能弥补我造成的损失?

I’d like to repair our differences. 我想我们应该重归于好。

mend 指将打破、撕碎或用坏之物修补完整,“缝补衣服”多用mend。如:

His clothes need mending. 他的衣服该补了。

She mended the broken jar with cement. 她用水泥把破碎的缸补好了。

mend 还可意为“改正、纠正、治愈、使恢复健康”等。如:

The prisoner is mending his way. 囚犯在改过自新。

It is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。


1)用作名词:by mistake 由于差错;make mistakes 出错;make no mistake 没出错;

correct one’s mistake 改正错误;recognize one’s mistake 承认错误;

make mistake about sb./sth. 误会(解)某人/事

2)用作动词:mistake one’s meaning 误解某人的意思;be mistaken 弄错,错误的;

mistake sb./sth.for 错当成,误以为是……。


for a moment 一会儿;in a moment 一会儿之后;a few moments alter 过一会儿;a moment ago 刚才;

at any moment 随时,立刻;at the moment 此刻,现在;at that very moment 就在那时。

注意:the moment 此结构中,the moment 用作连词,引导一时间状语从句,表示“一……就”。

相同意思和用法的表达形式还有:the minute, the instant 和the second。如:

Telephone me the moment you get the results.

The moment the teacher entered the classroom,the students stood up. 老师一进教室,


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