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  3. easily-confused words易混淆的词


  1) attention to meaning注意书写基本近似,但意义不同的词



  (1) the party b shall request his bankers to open an irrevocable letter of credit in party a's favour upon receipt of party a's confirmation of this order.


  句中的短语in one's favour意思为“以……为受益人”。

  (2)our goods that we offer you are much in favour on the european continent.


  该句中的in favour与上句的in one's favour只相差一个名词所有格形式或形容词性物主代词,但意义却大不相同。in favour在本句中的意思是“受赏识,受好评”。


  (1) the foreign party shall furnish to the joint venture company all the technical data necessary to ensure the effective operation of the machinery.



  (2) the seller have insured the goods fpa and against war risk at the rate of 0.5%for the sum of usd 36,000 with the insurance company.


  该句中的insure表示to make a contract that promises to pay sb an amount of money in case of accident,injury,death or damage or loss of sth.


  (1) up to now we have not heard anything from them about the order in question.


  句中的in question意思为“正在被谈起的”,经常译成“该”,如:the contract in question(该合同)。

  (2)it is obviously out of question to effect the shipment in june.


  句中的out of question意思为: “毫无疑问”或“没有问题”。

  (3)the prices shown in price-lists and catalogues shall be deemed to be the rock-bottom prices and any further reductions is out of the question.


  该句中的out of the question与上句中的out of question只相差一个定冠词,但其意义却完全相反。前者表示impossible,而后者却表示no problem.


  (1) the borrower agrees to transfer t0 the lender the right to accept and substitute other assigned accounts subsequent to this date, in lieu of accounts this day assigned.


  句中的lieu意思为“代替”,如:accept a cheque in lieu of cash(接受支票替代现金)。

  (2) machinery shall become the sole property of the joint venture company, free and clear of all liens, charges and claims of any kind whatsoever.


  该句中的lien与上句中的lieu书写非常近似,但lien的意思为right to keep sb's property until a debt owed in connection with it,法律上称“留置权”,属担保方式的一种。

  2) attention to the relation




  (1) the contract price set forth in this contract shall not include any withholding tariff and any charges imposed on the contractor by the government in new zealand.



  该译文中的“税金”应改为“关税”。tariff在表示“税”时,主要用于“关税”,即:a schedule or system of duties imposed by a government on goods imported or exported at the rate of duty imposed in tariff.

  (2) the china corporation shall bear all relevant taxes and levies imposed upon the personnel by the chinese government, whereas the employer shall bear the same imposed upon the personnel by the government of the project-host country.


  该句中出现了两个有关“税金”的单词,即taxes and levies.其中tax在表示“税”时,主要强调:money taken compulsorily by the government or by an official body to pay for government services; levy作为名词,主要表示一种“征税”的行为,即:money which is demanded and collected by the government or by an agency or by an official body.因此,句中的taxes and levies合在一起可理解为:(中国政府所征收的)“一切税金”。

  (3)the prices quoted above do not include any taxes. duties, impost and any other charges of any kind which may be levied in china.


  该句中除taxes外,还出现两个表示“税”的单词,即duty 和impost.其中duty主要强调the tax imposed by a government on merchandise imported from another country,可理解为“关税”。但duty在表示“关税”时与tariff是有本质区别的,前者主要表示tax to be paid for importing,而后者除表示tax to be paid for importing外,还可以表示tax to be paid for exporting,所以,在翻译duty时,一般应结合上下文写成:“在某国内所征收的关税”;句中出现的另一个表示“税”的单词是impost,这个词纯粹表示“进口税”,但不一定是通过海关所征的税。









  (1) responsibilities of each party to the joint venture

  responsibility of party a:

  1.handling of approval. registration business license and other matters concerning the establishment of the joint venture company from the relevant departments in charge in china.

  2. ……。

  responsibility of party b:

  1. handling the matters entrusted by the joint venture company, such as selecting and purchasing machinery and equipment outside china, etc.




  liability在表示责任时,主要强调两个方面:一方面指“赔偿责任”(being legally responsible for paying or damage or loss),如:the underwriters refused to take any liability for the losses(承包人对损失拒绝承担责任);另一方面指“债务责任‘(一般用复数形式liabilities),如:the seller shall refund to the buyer such amounts after paying all tax liabilities(在付清一切税款后,卖方须向买方偿还这些款项)。因此,”有限责任公司“常被译成limited liability company,表示a company where a member is responsible for repaying the company’s debts only up to the face value of the shares he owns.

  responsibility在表示“责任”时,着重强调“职责、义务”(commitment or duty for which a party is responsible),如:the licensee shall assume full responsibility for the payment of all royalties(对于一切专利权使用费的支付事宜,许可证受让方应承担完全责任)。



  the liability of a party to pay compensation for the breach of a contract shall be equal to the loss suffered by the other party as a consequence of the breach. however, such compensation may not exceed the loss, which the party responsible for the breach ought to have foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract as a possible consequence of a breach of contract.

  该句中的“责任”明显是一种being legally responsible for paying loss,所以选择liability是合适的。

  3) attention to the legal expressions






  should either of the parties of the contract be prevented from executing the contract by force majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire and war and other unforeseen events, and their happenings and consequences are unpreventable and unavoidable, the presented party shall notify the other party by a written notice without any delay, and within 15 days thereafter provide the detailed information of the events and a valid document for evidence issued by the relevant public notary organization for explaining the reason of its inability to execute or delay the execution of all or part of the contract. both parties shal1,through consultations, decide whether to terminate the contract or to exempt the part of obligations for implementation of the contract or whether to delay the execution of the contract according to the effects of the events on the performance of the contract.



